Five Element Acupuncture
With Pro Fusion Therapy getting busier its hard not to notice the stream of people coming and going for appointments. Leaving with beautiful new eyebrows, taped to support injuries or literally floating out following a session with their chosen therapist. It really is great to see the impact we are making to clients with the 'Fusion' of expertise we offer.
So after seeing clients on Wednesdays literally float out of Treatment room 2 with a smile on their face, shoulders gracefully relaxed and a calmness I can not put into words, I decided to look into the reason behind this!
Louella O'Herlihy practices Chinese Five Element Acupuncture and Cupping. Clients are noticing an improvement following her treatments and are left feeling happy and calm. So lets find out why.....
"Ancient medicine for the modern world"
The theory of Five Elements is key to the acupuncturists understanding of your nature, personality and symptoms. According to the Five Element theory we can all be 'classified' depending on body structure, tendencies, temperaments, emotions, positive and negative behaviour, moods and illnesses.
The 5 Elements:
WOOD: Wind, Green, Anger, Sour, Liver, Gallbladder,Tendons
FIRE: Heat and Fire, Red, Joy, Bitter, Heart/Pericardium, Small Intestine/Triple Heater, Arteries