Our highly experienced therapists have a wealth of knowledge in their specialist fields

Carolyn Smyth B.Sc (Chiro) DC,MRCC
Doctor of Chiropractic
Certified NeuroImpulse Protocol Chiropractor offering “Chiropractic without the cracks”​
Carolyn has over 30 years of experience having graduated from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth in 1991. She has worked in the surrounding area ever since. Carolyn has gained a wealth of experience in both private and NHS practice.
All chiropractors treat problems with joints, bones and muscles and the effects they have on the nervous system. Chiropractic views health and wellbeing by focusing on the whole body rather than on individual symptoms. Working on all the joints of the body, but often on the spine, chiropractors use their hands to make gentle, specific adjustments to improve efficiency of the nervous system and release the body's natural healing ability. By considering your symptoms in the context of your full medical history, your lifestyle and your personal circumstances, chiropractors can provide a package of care that is evidence-based and widely recommended.
In 2008, having had three children of her own, her interest in chiropractic paediatrics led Carolyn to study and practice a form of chiropractic called NeuroImpulse Protocol (NIP). She is one of only 6 certified accredited NIP chiropractors in the UK.NIP has a strong emphasis on functional neurology and looks especially at the relationship between the function of the nervous system and how your body moves. Traditional manipulation techniques aren't used so you won’t hear or feel your joints ‘crack’. Instead gentle, specific pressure is used, coupled with a very fast but light 'impulse' that is very comfortable for people of all ages, shapes and sizes.
Carolyn is also passionate about women's health and has much experience in pregnancy, postnatal and baby care and has also recently completed her certification in the Confidence in the Menopause Course with Newson Health, Research and Education. She is now an associate member of the Newson Health Menopause Society to further improve her management of clients that are going through the challenges of the perimenopause and postmenopause, to help maximize treatment outcomes.
In addition Carolyn is also studying with the Academy of Chiropractic Nutrition and has now gained her Certification in Neuro-Mechanical Nutrition. She is able to look at the core concepts of nutrition and lifestyle that can help to optimise treatment outcomes in all patients, regardless of age or gender.